Friday, August 8, 2008

Heather Grady Now On NCIC

After the aide from the sheriff yesterday Heather was finally put on NCIC. This was confirmed after Ishmell had a meeting with the Secret Service and they pulled her up in the NCIC system. Yes this is that serious of a crime. The men who worked with Ishmell called many companies trying to gather evidence against Heather: Fake ID's, loan applications, along with the package that I overnighted to Ishmell to help solidify all that this woman has done, the massive amounts of money and goods that she had stolen.

Is she bi-polar? Jim says,"NO SHE IS NOT", and that is her way of covering up. He found out that she was using drugs. He told me that he found little balls of foil everywhere and had tea-light candles scattered around as well. Then the needles she had. hummmmm......I don't think that all these clues lead to but on thing. And to back that up by the arrest of drugs here in Arkansas back around 2003. Which leads to me another question? Jim want to know why was her record gone of the charges against her for other crimes that she was charged with? Did she do any time for the drug prescriptions that she got caught getting using other peoples names. See the article in one of my previous posts from The Times Herald (local newspaper)2004.