Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Heather Grady in Jail for 2nd time in 2months
Way to go MR C! Thank You AGAIN! To the rest of Heather's adoring fans (for lack of better words) here is what we now know on our beloved Ms Grady: Heather was arrested a few months ago after her hearing in January, she posted bond within 2 hours and was out. She was arrested today in Tipton County TN., for 7 accounts of I'd Theft and money laundering! She moved into a new apartment 4 days ago and the Tipton County PD, Secret Service and Federal agents showed up at her new place with a search warrant. Heather has been getting credit cards from dead people in several states. While the police were all there; blinds she ordered for her apartment showed up, a dead persons credit card was used. Now her step father Larry and mother may loose their big home as well. Heather did the same thing to dear ole' step dad and is financial trouble are begining. Heathers room-mate in her last short term apartment, she took her ID as well. Heather's computer was confiscated showing that she aquired dead people info from states in New York, Florida, Minnisota, Texas as a few more. Heather Grady has lots of cash stashed away and are looking for it. So if any of her "friends" are in the knowing state of her cash whereabouts are urged to call Tipton County TN police department and fill them in on her stash. She will be out of jail after posting bond again. Her araignment date is said to be March 10th in TN. I'm sure it will be at Covington court house. Gee, of all places where my ex and I fought over divorce issues haha. Appropriate I think!