Heather, I noticed today that USPS out of Raleigh visited your site today I wonder if a little bird told them about how you screwed people on EBAY?, also the CITY OF SAN ANTONIO! Wow girl, the word is spreading like wild fire. Unfortunately the man who Jim needed to speek to about that forged and solen check you wrote will not be in till tomorrow (Dallas P.D.). We have two other checks that you have forged also. One from Jordans in Wynne and the other one from Walmart.
Jim also has an appointment at 10am with his lawyer, Richard Proctor. Surely you know him. You use to go to church with him as I heard it. And Detective Joe Vanlandingham is also related in some way to you also. The detective who took our last police report.
This police report is on the 3 student loans that you placed on-line using Jim's info and as a co-signer to the sum of $127,000.00, and the checking account you tried to open in your name but used his information also. This just happened in January so I am sure it is still freash in your mind!!!!
Then there is the several credit cards that you assumed under his name, and some medical bills, and an account with Kay Jewelers.
You visited this site of yours so many times today, do you not have anything better to do?