Tuesday, December 14, 2010
heather D Grady Domilse Oglesby
I would like for Chris in Atoka to please call me if you wouldn't mind. I can give you more insight to things that you might suspect Give you any other info that Mr S in Wynne might of clued you in on. But after several years of knowing the way she plays her games I may be of further assistance. I tried calling you last Friday but you were "out" 417-536-6130. Sandy
Friday, December 10, 2010
Heather Dawn Grady
Oh girl you are in trouble. Why can you NOT stay off the computer? When you touch it,its only to read my blog or steal money/goods from other people. I just don't get it. You need to be trying to sleep with the boys in blue just like you have done since you were young to keep you out of trouble. But any descent God loving man would not be found a mile within your path. Why are you so narcissistic? And since you cannot get a job are you mooching or robbing your mother blind? Oh yes, I forgot, she has the idea "my daughter is innocent and she is the victim, she can do no harm" syndrome. Oh please when do I start to vomit? The Atoka boys in blue are interested in you so better not get stopped for speeding! Buy the way that was an awfull lot of merchandice you have gotten since you've been let out on your own recognasance, are you back into using crystal meth? Do you have another PO Box in Munford claiming it is a suite address oh that was good. Such n such address suite #___ when it was a postal anex and the suite was really the box number. Brilliant my dear The Bexar county cops new nothing about that nor did anyone else but I physically went to Texas and found you out. Over 100 charges for our case alone are against you and several more have been filed all over north america. So you figure if your going to jail go out with a bang? What are you going to say to the judge this time? I am so full of anticipation I'm like a dog peeing on the floor when his master comes home I'm so excited. I will be there in court to see how you plea in January and I hope they throw your butt back in jail while you await you trail that know doubt you are going to plead innocent "cause I'm a basket case" it didn't work before but no doubt you'll try again. And if I have any say aboyut the matter they'll hold you in jail during trial!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Heather Grady
Thanks D for letting us know that Heather is using your information as well. Again , since you are going to be in Wynne. You need to go to the PD and ask for CID officer Smith. He will be helpful in you new report on Heather Grady. Call me @ 4175366130 and let me know how it went. Thanks againing your information as well.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Grady Enterprises Atoka, TN is fraudulant company
Oh I'm sure you have read the post from yesterday by now. I hope you are sweating it out knowing that you are pulling the same old crap you have done in th past and have been caught again. Have there been any news cameras peering from near the lake at your moms house? Or maybe watching Payton @ Munford. Gee, did I tell you my 2 adult children attended there? Do you hang out @ Cross Town and go to Covington or Millington? My old address was on Simmons road, I know the area quiet well did I mention I worked out of stewart/rosemark area? Say hi to Mr Stimpson my old lawyer for me would ya? I will see you in court come January!!!
Heather Grady is at it again!
Well,well, my dearest Heather. What gives? Are you in the feastive mood this year? Ahh, maybe trying to con people out of their money buy buying lots of jewlery and then pawning it to pay for your lawyer? Or you just like gold n diamonds? The FTC has been notified of you again AND oh goody this is the best part....ANOTHER police report has been filed just yesterday in your name from a company who has contacted me since you are doing business under Grady Enterprises @ 18 ThornHill Rd Atoka,TN 38004. But funny you would use an Innocent Heather Grady's in New York as your billing address. She has been notified and was told to call authorities. Now dearest, you need not be fearful since you knew what you were doing. Just look for proof as we get more evidence stacked up on you. The DA's office was called yesterday to let them know what was going on..Your freedom has not come cheap to anyone involved. Tomorrow I call the newpapers n tv news to make sure they are there to follow your story come court date. So Heather Grady in Atoka,TN put on a smile, Heather Grady in New York, I'm sorry for what you are having to go thru.stand in line like the rest of us for our turn. Please everyone pray hard at our precious Lords birth that Heather be banished from any harm doing to anyone else ever! Merry Christmas Heather, I like white gold n diamonds size 9 please.417-536-6130
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Not Insulted by Heather D Grady's Rude Comment To Me In Court Room
Heather passed me in door way at the court and said,"she sure does take up a lot of space". But did anyone tell your fans of this page why you were let out of jail?upon talking to the Assistant DA; The sherif threw you out because you caused to much problems! Yes maam straight from his mouth. That is why you had to sign a note saying you would return. Pretty bad when you get kicked out of jail haha
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Heather Grady at Payton place
Heather let Payton walk into the court room looking like a hooker. Black stillehtos, hot pink polish, tight designer jean that had holes from butt to ankles with big holes in the knees, a spagehtti strap type tank top with bra straps hanging all over it, and her hair was dyed near black with red streaks, she looked like a stuffed sausage in her tight clothes but her head looked like an eggplant, and all at the tender age of 14?Heather stop ruining this child!
Judge Olly Neal yells @ Heather Grady in Court Room!
Case # 09325 @ 10:05 Heather Grady was called to bench. 4he said she wanted to talk and not be interupted- leave it to Heather to have balls. The judge started yelling at her telling her that he does the talking and she had for some reason or another HAD an attourney but not anymore and just talked to Mr Ford in court to hire. :e yelled some more and said the case was over a year n half old and better do something. Well he told her tio sit down!!!! Him dying of laughter here. Well better go back in update later
waiting in parking lot to see heather grady in court
I'm sitting here just like a fly on the wall getting ready to walk into the court house. Well Heather Grady what do you plea? It may be short n sweet but I will post the minute I get out of there. Edge of you seat novel in the making here folks tee hee hee
Monday, June 28, 2010
:eather D Grady has court date change
If anybody wishes to send me any NOTORIZED statement about Heather Grady you can send it to me in care of James Clegg 856 Anemone RD Billings,Mo 65610. Jim will have to meet me at the court in WYNNE,AR on JULY 13th instead of the 12th. I will hand over all statements to assistant DA at that time. This date is on a Tuesday. And the judge case she tried to sue...hahahaha was thrown out since Ms Grady had no evidence to back her claims against him. Oh I feel that tear welling up in my eye. NOT. Ms Texas sorry I had company over from out of town and didn't call back but please call when you have the time and I will call you back so not to use your air time. Thanks to all and hope to see you in AR!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
popcorn party anyone?
Heather Grady did you shed a tear when the warden threw a popcorn party in Parker County Texas for all the inmates when you left? Oh I felt a tear coming on knowing you felt the love. But why did you feel the nead to have more prison workers fired? Did you claim they were trying to rape you just like you said in Cross County? I'm truly sorry to Ms Texas but I could not talk at that moment you called. I was very interested when you told me that Heather had chewed her wrists and feet up and gained 100 pounds of canabalism on herself hehe. I will call you tomorrow MS Texas if you don't mind since I will be in a quiet mode then. To everyone else aside from any judge shows my phone# 417-536-6130
Friday, June 4, 2010
:eather Grady on ;udge Judy
AHeather you're sitting there with nothing better to do than watch Judge Judy? I was not surprised when the producer called me saying you wanted to sue over Defimation of Character! What character? Please,don't waste my time or yours. And Social Security was a good one, what did you think would happen? After a few phone calls to area residence of Wynne, they are/have been on the look out for you. I have all the PROOF to lock your butt back in jail for a long time.So you go ahead and keep up your chin, leech off your mother n tell her lies, turn your daughter into another you because it won't last much longer. See you July 12th!!!!!!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Heather Grady Goes To Court In WYNNE, ARKANSAS FINALLY!
Heather Grady has decided to try and make everyone believe her by saying all charges have been dropped was good, when in fact after talking to the court in Wynne Arkansas on this last Friday and the assistant DA's office; Heather is going to court July 12th of all days, Jim's birthday. What a present. She will be up there trying to plead her BS story once again how the monkey made her do it (Bi-Polar crapolla story). She is trying to sue Rick Proctor the circuit city judge, and just last night she posted a threatening letter to Facebook directly to me with the name of," Ill find you liar". Well on the 12th i will see you Hun and you can just pretend you don't see me just like you did in Parker County Texas when I watched you walk in in shackles. Pitiful. And the judge told you that bi-polar story was crap too! You can contact me Heather if you care to "FIND ME" as you put it. 417-536-6130
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